Friday, October 19, 2012

Pin of the Day-A Frugal Loft Bed

When I saw this I knew it had to be a Pin of the Day! What a cute and clever idea for a space saving loft bed for a child's bedroom, or even for a guest room-okay, maybe not if Grandma and Grandpa are on the guest list, but for the younger set this would be great!

Frugal Loft Bed
The blogger has all of the materials and instructions on the blog. It looks like something that someone with an average set of skills could easily build. I'm thinking about asking Mr. Frugal if we might be able to make this for our 14 year old son's room and maybe also one for our 17 year old daughter's room as well. I see the space underneath as a great place for a couple of bean bag chairs or floor pillows or even for a dog and cat bed (hint, hint).

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